Blue Monster is not too thick and not too thin. It was developed by
Mill-Rose in response to the demand for a higher-quality PTFE sealing
tape that is easier to apply. It's rugged and has not been stretched
during the manufacturing process, so it is thicker and creates a more
effective seal with less tape, and no need for pipe dope.
Blue Monster thread sealing tape is manufactured from PTFE resin, a
polymer consisting of recurring tetrafluoroethylene monomers whose
formula is (CF2-CF2)n. It is inert and compatible with a very wide range
of materials. Use Blue Monster on threads made from galvanized steel,
iron, brass, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, polyethylene,
polypropylene, PVC, CPVC, ABS, fiberglass and more.
99.6% PTFE < 0.4%
Pigment Color: Blue
Length: 1429"
Thickness: 0.0035" +/- 10%
Density 0.8g/cm3
Elongation: >100%
Tensile Strength: 15N/ mm2
Compatible w/ a broad range of gasses, liquids and piping materials (will not harden or crack on the joints).
Effective across a broad range of temperatures and pressures
These warnings are not an indication that these products are violating any safety standards or regulations.
However, as our products might be sold in the state of California, we are legally obliged to inform customers about the potential presence of these chemicals in our products.